These lessons are offered to the the Láadan community. They are intended to provide a programmed set of lessons for learning Láadan—just like in Suzette Haden Elgin’s second edition, but at a more moderate pace than was feasible in that edition. Any feedback would be welcome; please feel free to email Amberwind.
As time goes on, the Láadan text in these lessons will be made available in MP3 format for audio reinforcement. As each lesson is completed, it will be marked with “.” The voiced Láadan sequences in the text of the lessons will also be so marked.
Throughout these lessons, text with this type of highlight is excerpted, with permission, from A First Dictionary and Grammar of Láadan, second edition, by Suzette Haden Elgin.
…and text with this type of highlight is quoted from communications with Suzette Haden Elgin, the founding mother of Láadan.
…text with this type of highlight represents less-formal Láadan phraseology. This is perfectly understandable Láadan, only eschewing some of the features required for absolute grammatical formality.
…and, finally, type highlighted in this way contains notes on how Láadan was originally, contrasted with how it has evolved since Suzette Haden Elgin has died and a second generation has taken over the development of Láadan.